Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A Meaningless Piece of Metal

What is the deal with Christians and purity/promise rings?! We seem to think that as long as we have THE ring we're good. It's just a ring! I'm pretty sure God is more concerned with whether we actually practice purity rather than us wearing a ring that says we do. But people seem to think a dinky little ring makes you holy, "You don't have to actually be pure as long as you have a ring." I know most people don't think or say this, but their actions scream it!
And the people that actually get the rings are the people who push the know what limits I'm talking about, " it's okay if I do A-Y as long as we don't touch Z." No WAY!!! We are supposed to be honoring God with our bodies! You are probably reading this thinking," Purity rings are a good thing," or, "She has no idea what she is talking about." Well, I have a friend who just paid roughly $100 for her purity ring, she is a "christian", and is constantly looking for ways to get around actually having sex, but still have "fun." The intentions behind purity/promise rings were good, but the symbol has been exalted over what it represents. If any one is reading this and they have a purity ring, use it for something other then showing hypocrisy, practice what you claim to practice, and show God's light through your actions.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

This Is What We're About!

Have you ever heard the saying" You're preaching to the choir."? Well that's exactly what we're doing because the "choir" has compromised! Our Generation has stripped Purity of it's true meaning and purpose! The "modern" definition of Purity is not having sex. Purity is so much more than this. Its keeping ourselves separated and holy from the world. As Christians we need to Purify our minds, body, souls, and heart. This message isn't for unbelieving sinners, this is for all those Christians who say they have the love of Christ and yet they look act talk and dress just like the world. We need to wake up put on the mind of Christ and go back to the true purpose for Purity in our lives!!!