Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hey! This is Important!!

We have successfully switched over to Wordpress with the help of our technical team ( A.K.A Joey). But for all our readers, this means you will need to go to our new URL . Do this ASAP because our next post will be on our new blog, and its going to be a really good one. So switch over, or you will be left out when all the other kids on the playground are talking about the latest post on Purity Fully clothed. I hope you like the new blog as much as we do, and continue to read our posts and drop us some comments.
Click here for the Blog


What do guys think about Purity? Have you ever wondered that, girls? Well we have the answer!!!! We have interviewed different boys in our youth group about what they're perspectives on purity are, and everyday this week we will be posting a different guys answers. All the guys we are interviewing are Christian, between the ages of 14-25, and are from different walks of life. So they are a pretty good representation of our generation. I hope you find this weeks posts interesting and please give us some feedback.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Purity.....Lifestyle or Achievement?

I was thinking the other day, why do we do what we do? Why does purity need to be preached in this generation? Is it so parents can sleep better at night, or is it really a nessecity? Well obviously it is a nessecity because its in God's word, which makes it important. But what makes me and Leana the ones to stand on this issue? Have we already achieved purity? As I pondered these things I realized, that the way we view purity is wrong. Its not something you are, its something you strive to be. I think because we tend to view purity as an achievement we make some people feel ashamed who haven't been completely perfect. Though this isn't intentional, I don't think its the way God would want us to go about it. We should be bearing with one another in our struggle to remain pure because its not a gift to some and struggle for others, it should be a desired lifestyle for all. So we don't write to you as "holier than thou" people but as girls who know that we all need to live pure and encourage one another to do the same.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Thank you God for tampons and monsters

This week it seemed like every time I was watching tv this commercial was on and it got me thinking. Its the "always" commercial about the girls in Africa when they are on their period and they don't have any pads or tampons so they have to miss a week of school and then they get behind and end up dropping out. When I saw this, first I thanked God for tampons and that they are available to me so I don't have to eventually drop out of school. Then I realized how spoiled this country and generation really is. Today in one of my classes I heard these girls talking and one girl was complaining about how she got her cell phone and ipod taken away by her parents because they caught her sneaking back in to the house drunk. Hearing this bugged me. While girls in Africa have to drop out of school because of something totally natural and unavoidable, we are here complaining about getting out cells and ipods taken away. From all of this I decided to thank God for two things other than him that I need to get through life. I'm thankful for monster energy drinks that make life bearable in the morning and tampons that make my blessing as a women livable.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

"The Situation"-Krystal Meyers

This is song by Krystal Meyers called "The Situation". I think the lyrics are pretty powerful. The line "but she knows she wants to feel beautiful" really embody how a lot of girls measure their worth by how a guy is interested in them. Then, in the second verse, the line " suck it up and be a man" is right on, the sense that a lot of guys feel that sex defines their masculinity. So I hope you like this song as much as i do and I encourage you to buy the whole album " Dying for a Heart".

"She's finding love in the back of a car
When is it too late, have they gone too far?
She's having trouble drawing the line
But she knows she wants to feel beautiful.
She struggles finding self-respect
She'll wake up feeling regret
Her purity's been compromised
But she knows she wants to feel beautiful.

A promise made to treasure, you don't have to give it away
Falling for the pressure, you can't mend a vow when it breaks
Explain your hesitation, Jesus can be your escape
Don't taint the situation, this love was made to wait!

He's living life out on the edge
Gotta make a move, move it on to the bed
Temptation whispers in his head
Believe the lie, Suck it up and be a Man
He'll trade her heart for a trophy, put it on a shelf so his friends can see
He has what it takes to get what he wants
Tonights the night
Suck it up and be a Man

A promise made to treasure, you don't have to give it away
Falling for the pressure, you can't mend a vow when it breaks
Explain your hesitation, Jesus can be your escape
Don't taint the situation, this love was made to wait!

Whats wrong ?
I can see the fear behind your eyes
Your scared you might walk away unsatisfied
God's love is the only one to fill the void
He's reaching out
Just turn around and hold on

A promise made to treasure, you don't have to give it away
Falling for the pressure, you can't mend a vow when it breaks
Explain your hesitation, Jesus can be your escape
Don't taint the situation, this love was made to wait!"

Monday, January 7, 2008

I Want to be Anorexic, Half-Naked, and Fake!

.......Not really, but with those three words, I just described all the women in Hollywood. These are also the women that our society calls "role models". I am disgusted when I think of the fact that many younger girls look to these women as examples, but then I got to thinking. How many times do we look at the fashion magazine and seen how beautiful these women can appear to be and think, "maybe I should do my hair like that", or "wow, i should buy pants like that" . Even though we KNOW these women are lost and pretty conceited, we begin to fashion ourselves after them. Now, this isn't sin, but what I want to know is why aren't their enough godly women, dressing and acting like godly women, to show us something different! What we need is a strong and secure example of what a women should be, to contradict everything that world tries to show us. In our church, we do have strong godly women, but we need more. So I write this as a challenge to the young ladies. We need to be that example for the next generation, let us be the change we want to see in the world.
" I desire that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting; in like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, but which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works. "-1 Timothy 2:8-10

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Are You Ready?! Cuz We Are!

Dear Readers,
Well its the beginning of a brand new year,and Leana and I have decided to accept the challenge of stepping it up in 2008. Our goal for this blog was to spread the the fullness of what Purity is and take a stand on matters that defy this, in our generation. Although 2007 was a time of laying essential ground work, we plan to begin to commit ourselves more to the purpose of Purity and spreading the Gospel.

Some Things to Look Forward To:
*More Posts
-we are working on getting series of posts on purity from the point of view of a guy!
*Change in Format (we will be switching to WordPress, yeah WordPress!)
*Covering More Topics (Sex, Drugs, Rock N' Roll, + many more!)
*Videos ( we want you to see us in action!!)
*We have a Myspace Page! We need Friends!

I Have a Confession.....

Many teenage girls are sick with promiscuity and immodesty. This is usually because of the lack of a father or the lack of a father who showed them the love and support they needed. So because they lack that love, they search to fill the void with the love of another man, which turns into the wrong man or many men. But what they find is not love, but lust and infatuation which quickly boils down to hurt and loss. So when we talk about purity to girls this is usually a topic we hit on. But I'm here to say that I am one of these fatherless girls!!!!! Its true, my real father chose not to be in my life, and even though a man stepped in to that position, i never felt that love from him. As a result, something in me wants to feel affection from a guy even though my mind knows its a cheap imitation of love. Its my flesh. For some reason I feel if i get affection from a guy, its going to fill that void that I have. So why am I not out there being promiscuous? Because I realized who God is and how perfect His love is. I had to make a conscious decision to go against every feeling I had. It's been tough and its something I still deal with, but i know that if I deny myself, God has so much more in store. He promises to be a Father to the fatherless.
So I wanted to write this as encouragement to anyone who can relate. There is a God who loves us and He is the only answer to our problems.


Its a wonderful thing! I know many people don't think it is, but I love it . Today after I made a really cute snowman, I was just laying in a pile snow and I started thinking about a bunch of stuff and a great analogy came into my head. Purity is like snow. Both are supposed to be cherished because they are 2 of the most beautiful gifts from God. If you don't think snow is beautiful, then look outside at any untouched patch of snow you will notice the little sparkles in it when the sun shines on it and you will realize how pretty it really is. Many of us take these two things for granted and we see them as burdens or curses and we don't cherish them. Our purity is a gift from God. We are lucky that God is giving us another chance, because he could easily send us all to hell, but he doesn't. He doesn't, because he loves us so much and he doesn't want us to suffer even though we definitely deserve it. Also I just want to let everyone know that purity isn't just a calling for unmarried people, its for everyone. Purity isn't just staying away from sexual activities before marriage, its many things. Its being clean of sin, so this means making yourself like God, and staying away from swearing and being like the world. Another similarity between snow and purity is that if you compare an untouched patch of snow and a patch of snow thats been walked through , which one looks better? Personally I think the untouched snow does or you could say the pure snow. That is my point, us humans mess up God's gifts. We go through his wonderful snowy creation and make it all dirty. We do the same thing with purity, we make it sound bad, hard and definitely not fun. Also, we have done this with sex! Sex was another gift from God it was originally the way to get beautiful new life and it was a wonderful thing to be shared only inside a marriage. Then humans perverted another one of God's great privileges into something dirty and we misused it. Now children are even doing it! because tv makes it look fun and exciting. Now everyone is joking about it and making is sound like its a human right to have sex with who you want, whenever you want. Thinking about this honestly makes me sad, because I realize that I have taken all of these things for granted and looked at them in ways that God did not intend for us to look at them. So I know I'm going to think about these things and ask God to forgive me. I hope no one thinks I'm trying to tell them how bad they are, because thats not what I'm doing. I just want us to cherish beautiful gifts that God has given us before it's too late and before we mess our lives up anymore.

Friday, January 4, 2008

I can but you can't

Double standards! There are a wonderful thing, aren't they? jk. Personally I hate double standards, they just bug me, but I noticed that even if we don't realize it we all have them. The only thing is that not everyone vocalizes them. But my point of this post is that I really can't stand when someone says " well I believe that it's ok if a guy does this but a girl can't". The main thing that brought this up was when someone said that they thought that purity was a good thing for girls but that it was kinda pointless for guys. Yes, this person is a guy and no this person is not a Christian. At this time I brought up the fact that unless he was plaining on compromising his purity with another guy or himself then he would be taking away the purity of a girl and he just said that he thought being pure was a good thing for girls. His answer to this was well i believe that its actually not that important for anyone and that if the girl was willing to give up her purity then thats her deal and I'm not gonna say no. I also asked him why he believed purity wasn't that important. He said because sex is an important part of all relationships and with out it you couldn't have a good connection. I just kinda laughed at this because I have heard it many times. Next, this was probably my favorite part of our conversation. He added that he believed that if a guy views porn thats ok, because its natural, normal and every guy does it. When I asked him so what if a girl did, he said well that would be odd and that would be wrong, because thats not normal. So all in all this just really ticked me off because the whole time he just acted like guys can do whatever they want but girls have certain rules. The one thing I still find funny about this conversation is that he contradicted himself a lot, but when I pointed that out he would make a bunch of excuses and add another point into the discussion. Just to clarify we do not believe that viewing porn is ok for anyone, mainly because its definitely not of God.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008