Saturday, January 5, 2008


Its a wonderful thing! I know many people don't think it is, but I love it . Today after I made a really cute snowman, I was just laying in a pile snow and I started thinking about a bunch of stuff and a great analogy came into my head. Purity is like snow. Both are supposed to be cherished because they are 2 of the most beautiful gifts from God. If you don't think snow is beautiful, then look outside at any untouched patch of snow you will notice the little sparkles in it when the sun shines on it and you will realize how pretty it really is. Many of us take these two things for granted and we see them as burdens or curses and we don't cherish them. Our purity is a gift from God. We are lucky that God is giving us another chance, because he could easily send us all to hell, but he doesn't. He doesn't, because he loves us so much and he doesn't want us to suffer even though we definitely deserve it. Also I just want to let everyone know that purity isn't just a calling for unmarried people, its for everyone. Purity isn't just staying away from sexual activities before marriage, its many things. Its being clean of sin, so this means making yourself like God, and staying away from swearing and being like the world. Another similarity between snow and purity is that if you compare an untouched patch of snow and a patch of snow thats been walked through , which one looks better? Personally I think the untouched snow does or you could say the pure snow. That is my point, us humans mess up God's gifts. We go through his wonderful snowy creation and make it all dirty. We do the same thing with purity, we make it sound bad, hard and definitely not fun. Also, we have done this with sex! Sex was another gift from God it was originally the way to get beautiful new life and it was a wonderful thing to be shared only inside a marriage. Then humans perverted another one of God's great privileges into something dirty and we misused it. Now children are even doing it! because tv makes it look fun and exciting. Now everyone is joking about it and making is sound like its a human right to have sex with who you want, whenever you want. Thinking about this honestly makes me sad, because I realize that I have taken all of these things for granted and looked at them in ways that God did not intend for us to look at them. So I know I'm going to think about these things and ask God to forgive me. I hope no one thinks I'm trying to tell them how bad they are, because thats not what I'm doing. I just want us to cherish beautiful gifts that God has given us before it's too late and before we mess our lives up anymore.

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